About us

At Nursery B. Wansinck we specialise in growing Buxus topiaries in a variety of sizes and shapes from Balls to Pyramids. Our focus is on growing the highest quality Buxus and providing our customers with a first grade shape. By using the latest technology we are able to deliver uniform plants. Our customers include garden centres, wholesalers , DIY and auctions from throughout Europe.

In 2002, we entered into a cooperative venture with Gebr van der Salm Nursery which resulted in the establishment of “De Bent Nursery”, which specializes in producing small buxus shapes in large quantities.

Boomkwekerij B. Wansinck
Burg. Smitweg 88 - 2391 NG Hazerswoude-Dorp
tel: 0172-588109 - fax: 0172-588252 - e-mail: barrywansinck@hetnet.nl
  Interforce 2025